TEL: (972) 317-0194
d e d i c a t e d t o e x c e l l e n c e
4-Time Winner of Youth America Grand Prix's "Outstanding School" Award
Top 5% of Prestigious Ballet Schools in the U.S.
"Best of Denton County" Winner 2021
Distinguished Teaching "Best of Lewisville" Winner 2023
Tuition is charged per person and is non-refundable. A full month’s tuition is charged for all months, including those with 5 weeks, holidays or missed classes. Students are allowed to makeup classes within 2 months of the absence and during the semester of the absence. Every student will pay a non-refundable $60 registration fee each fall or upon initial registration.
Semester Tuition reflects a 5% discount if paid in advance. A half month is charged for August. Fall semester runs Aug. 18 thru January. Spring semester runs from Feb. 1 thru the recital.
Family discount is 10% when a minimum of 4 combined classes are taken. Boy discount is 25%. Only one discount
per family may be used.
Classes with less than 7 students will be canceled and tuition refunded. While rare, faculty is subject to change.

Regular Tuition Rates
Per Person:
Class Month Fall Spring
1 / week $70 $366 $266
2 / week $110 $575 $418
3 / week $135 $705 $513
4 / week $160 $836 $608
5 / week $185 $967 $703
6 / week $210 $1097 $798
7 / week $235 $1228 $893
8 / week $260 $1359 $988
9 / week $285 $1489 $1083
10/ week $310 $1620 $1178
Advanced Level, Pre -Professional &
Ballet 5 Tuition Rates Per Person:
Class Month Fall Spring
1 / week $80 $418 $304
2 / week $120 $627 $456
3 / week $145 $758 $551
4 / week $170 $888 $646
5 / week $195 $1019 $741
6 / week $220 $1150 $836
7 / week $245 $1280 $931
8 / week $270 $1411 $1026
9 / week $295 $1541 $1121
10 / week $320 $1672 $1216
*BY-THE-CLASS RATE - $20 per class
*PROFESSIONAL RATE - $15 per class - must be approved by the director. No professional rate is given for Mr. Jordan’s classes or for Master Classes.
*EXTERNAL P.E. STUDENTS - $50 annual fee
Students enrolled by Jan. 5th may participate in an exciting annual recital the first weekend in June. A recital agreement will be emailed and must be returned by Nov 1. There is a RECITAL FEE OF $90. (Family Max is 2 recital fees) and is due March 1st.
We start collecting for recital costumes in October to insure delivery by recital. A costume is purchased for each dance
form studied. Costume payments are based on age. Those who have several costumes may pay for 2 costumes per
month. Please speak to our office manager if you wish to work out a payment plan. If you decide you cannot participate, please notify us by returning the recital agreement by Nov 1st, and we will not order costumes for your dancer and refund any costume payments made.
All Twinkle Dancers - Only one costume needed.
Twinkle Ballet Only - $70
Twinkle Ballet and Tap - $80
Ages 6 to 11 - $85 per dance form
Ages 12 and up & All Advanced - $95 per dance form
IDC Junior - $70 per month
IDC Intermediate - $105 per month
IDC Senior - $105 per month
LBT/LBT2 pay an annual fee to LBT instead of monthly fee